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A Tribute to Ocean's Eleven

You're either in or you're out, as the saying goes. And a handful of Hollywood's biggest stars eagerly said "IN" when it came to these super-hip, super-stylish and super-fun re-imaginings of the quintessential Sinatra Rat Pack movie. The house always wins but we cover all our bets in this tribute to Las Vegas Chic by way of both the 1960's and the 2000's. We've got the casinos, the guys, the girls, the clothes, the cameos, the banter and the heists. Sammy called it "Ohh Eee Eleven" but we call it Destination Hollywood's Tribute to Ocean's Eleven.

More Ocean's Eleven Movies

Ocean's 11 - 1960
Ocean's Eleven
Ocean's Twelve
Ocean's Thirteen

Ocean's Eleven Features

The Rat Pack
The Ocean's Eleven Team
Cameos, cameos and more cameos

Ocean's Eleven DVD Spotlight

Ocean's Eleven Collector's Set , includes all four Oceans Eleven movies: the Frank Sinatra original Ocean's 11 and Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve and Ocean's Thirteen.

Ocean's Eleven MP3's

AmazonMP3 has Ocean's Eleven movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Ocean's Eleven stars ...

A Tribute to George Clooney

The newest member of an exclusive acting club called "TV Stars Who Parlayed Their Fame Into a Lasting Motion Picture Career" is highlighted in our Tribute to George Clooney.

A Tribute to Brad Pitt

We really hope Death turns out to look like him. Always seeking challenging roles this heartthrob has our attention in our Tribute to Brad Pitt.

A Tribute to Matt Damon

He's good as Will Hunting. He's good as Tom Ripley. He's good as Private Ryan. We have a feeling it's good to be Matt Damon. Find out why in our Tribute to this hot, young and powerful new star.

A Tribute to Julia Roberts

From Shelby to Erin how can we resist that laugh, that smile? She already has an impressive list of movies to her credit and yet we believe that she has only just begun to hit her stride as an actress. Join us in following her career in our Tribute to Hollywood's quintessential Pretty Woman ... Julia Roberts.

A Tribute to Al Pacino

His intense performance as Godfather Michael Corleone in his very first movie is the standard for every performance that came later. And he hasn't failed us yet. We've cataloged all his memorable roles in our Tribute to Al Pacino.

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Ocean's Eleven

Danny Ocean ( George Clooney ):

"You're either in or you're out."

Which three hotels did the Ocean's Eleven gang intend to rob?
