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A Tribute to Jaws

Steven Spielberg created a movie that scared us all AND spawned a successful four-movie franchise. We will ever forget the moment when we got our first glimpse of Bruce the Shark. They definitely needed a bigger boat. The sequels got progressively worse with each regeneration but the special thirtieth anniversary edition of the original movie is better than ever. So even though it still may not be safe to go back in the water we guaranteed that you'll be perfectly safe in our Tribute to Jaws.

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Jaws MP3's

AmazonMP3 has Jaws movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Jaws stars ...

A Tribute to Richard Dreyfuss

Steven Spielberg calls him his alter-ego. We call him one of the most interesting actors of his generation. Enjoy our Tribute to Richard Dreyfuss.

A Tribute to Steven Spielberg

He makes movies that we all want to see and you can see them all in our Tribute to moviemaker extraordinaire Steve Spielberg.

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Matt Hooper ( Richard Dreyfuss ):

"This was no boat accident. And it wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef. And it wasn't Jack the Ripper. It was a shark."

What is the name of the town that is terrorized by the shark in the first two Jaws movies?
