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Young Frankenstein Fun Features

This is the section for all our "FUN" Young Frankenstein information - please enjoy!

Did You Know?

… that the studio pressured Mel Brooks to make the movie in color but Brooks said he would only direct it in black and white.

… that the filmmakers used many of the old sets from the original Frankenstein movie for Young Frankenstein.

… that Marty Feldman's hunchback was actually a pregnancy pouch.

… that Gene Hackman played the Blind Man. He is a friend of Gene Wilder's and asked to have a cameo in the movie. Most people don't realize it was him until they see the credits because of the makeup and beard.

... that if you enjoy the madcap antics of Young Frankenstein you might be interested in the original 1931 movie that inspired it. And you can also read the book by Mary Shelley that created the monster.

... When Mel Brooks made Young Frankenstein he went to Ken Strickfaden the man who created the original mad scientist laboratory effects for the 1931 Boris Karloff movie. Here is a great clip telling the story of those special effects.

... One of the favorite characters in the movie Young Frankenstein is Igor the lab assistant played by Marty Feldman. Marty was a British comedian who had starred in several British television shows. In our "where are they now" segment we would normally just say that Marty Feldman died in 1982 but Mr. Feldman's death seems to be a little Abby Normal. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:

    Feldman died from a heart attack in a hotel room in Mexico City on 2 December 1982, during the making of the film Yellowbeard. Cartoonist Sergio Aragonés, who was filming nearby dressed for his role as an armed policeman, abruptly encountered Feldman while introducing himself, frightening Feldman and possibly induced his heart attack. Aragonés has recounted the story with the punchline "I killed Marty Feldman". The story was converted into a strip in Aragonés's issue of DC Comics Solo.

    On the DVD commentary of Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks cites additional factors that may have contributed to Feldman's death: he smoked sometimes six packs of cigarettes daily, drank copious amounts of coffee, and ate a diet rich in eggs and dairy products. Michael Mileham, who made the behind-the-scenes movie Group Madness about the making of Yellowbeard, said he and Feldman swam to an island where a local was selling lobster and coconuts. Mileham and Feldman used the same knife on their lobsters. Mileham said he got shellfish poisoning the next day, and theorized that since Feldman used the same knife he also could have been poisoned. (It can take days to feel symptoms of food poisoning, which could have been a factor in Feldman's heart attack). The stress of altitude-2,300m (7,546 ft) where the air is thin-may also have been a factor.
... Our musical guest playing the theme song from Young Frankenstein " Transylvania Lullaby" is veggiedancergirl's mother

... Mel Brooks turned his favorite movie into a Broadway musical. It had a short run on Broadway but now it's touring the country and you can check the schedule here to see if it's coming to a city near you. Here's a scene from the musical and the official Broadway soundtrack.

... And finally, just for fun, someone put together the clips that tell us how Frankenstein got his brain:

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Young Frankenstein

Igor ( Marty Feldman ):

"I ain't got no body and nobody cares about me."

What do the horses do anytime someone says the name Frau Blucher?
