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A Tribute to Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott made his mark with ground breaking science fiction movies such as Alien and Blade Runner but this talented director's films have run the gamut in subject matter. He's taken us over the edge with Thelma and Louise, through a White Squall and into the mind of psycho killer Hannibal. And even though his Gladiator won Best Picture, Ridley Scott remains Oscar less. When will this visionary director earn his recognition from the Academy? Stay tuned with our Tribute to Ridley Scott.

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Destination Hollywood Suggests this Tribute dedicated to these Ridley Scott movies ...

Tribute to Alien Tribute to Blade Runner

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Blade Runner

Maximus Decimus Meridius ( Gladiator ):

"At my signal, unleash hell."

Ridley Scott's directorial debut was a period drama that takes place during the Napoleonic wars. What was it called?
