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The Way We Were Fun Features

This is the section for all our "FUN" The Way We Were information - please enjoy!

Did You Know?

… that The Way We Were premiered on October 17, 1973 at the Lowes State Theater.

… that the movie was based on a book written by the movie's producer and screenwriter Arthur Laurents called The Way We Were.

… that Sydney Pollack, Robert Redford and Barbra Streisand all wanted to make a sequel and three different scripts were written over the years. However, the project was abandoned because they couldn't come up with a story that could compare with the emotional impact of the original.

… that Robert Redford originally turned down the role of Hubbell because he was afraid of being typecast as a sex symbol. Ryan O'Neal, who had just made What's Up Doc with Barbra Streisand, was next in-line. But Sydney Pollack finally convinced Redford to take the role by agreeing to build up the role of Hubbell and make the character less glamorous.

... James Woods had his first movie role in The Way We Were. He played Katie's college friend.

... We know that Katie and Hubble broke up over their differences but we didn't know exactly how that happened. Writer Arthur Laurents had many problems with the movie's director Sydney Pollack but apparently he was most upset with the deletion of a crucial scene where Hubble tells Katie that she has been named as a subversive and unless she clears herself by naming names he will be fired by the studio. Katie says that she will divorce him and his career can be saved.

... Even if you've never watched a single Sex And The City episode you will enjoy watching Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte explain why they love The Way We Were to Samantha. And then Carrie and Big have their own Katie and Hubble moment.

... the theme song of The Way We Were won the Academy Award for Best Song ( music Marvin Hamlisch lyrics by Alan and Marilyn Bergman) You can hear Barbra Streisand sing it here:

... and just for fun you can watch Barbra Streisand listening to Beyonce sing her song at the Kennedy Center Honors.

    Here are the lyrics for you:

    Like the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories
    Of the way we were
    Scattered pictures,
    Of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were
    Can it be that it was all so simple then?
    Or has time re-written every line?
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me, would we? could we?
    Memries, may be beautiful and yet
    Whats too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So its the laughter
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember...
    The way we were...
    The way we were...

The Way We Were On Location

The campus scenes were shot at Union College in Schenectady, New York.

The last scene takes place outside The Plaza Hotel in New York City.

Hollywood Walk of Fame Star
In the early 1960's, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce developed the idea of the "Hollywood Walk of Fame." The sidewalks of the most famous streets in the heart of Hollywood were lined with "stars" recognizing celebrities' life-long contributions to the entertainment industry. Receiving a star is still to this day considered a huge honor. Here's where you can find Barbra Streisand's star:

Barbra Streisand
Walk of Fame Star
(Motion Pictures)

6925 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA

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The Way We Were

The Professor ( Robert Gerringer ):

"In a way he was like the country he lived in everything came to easily to him. But at least he knew it."

What is the name of the movie studio where Hubbell goes to work?
