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A Tribute to King Creole

Before there was such a thing as an Elvis Movie, Elvis made a couple of movies (that's movie with a small "m".) One of those movies was King Creole and in our opinion it is one of his best. The rock and roll songs are there of course. The girls too. The hip attitude also. And the exotic locale. But wrapped around these basic elements that made up the sum-total of later Elvis movies is an involving story (this one based on a Harold Robbins story called a Stone for Danny Fisher) and interesting co-stars (Walter Matthau as a wonderfully slimy nemesis and Carolyn Jones as a damsel in distress love interest.) And most importantly Elvis Presley displays an innate acting talent that would often be overshadowed by schtick in later movies. If you've never seen Elvis in action on the silver screen … this is a good place to start. If you have, you're probably a fan of this movie already. Please enjoy our Tribute to King Creole.

King Creole Features

The Songs of King Creole

King Creole DVD Spotlight

King Creole DVD

Based on the Book

A Stone for Danny Fisher by Harold Robbins

King Creole MP3's

AmazonMP3 has King Creole movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these King Creole stars ...

A Tribute to Elvis Presley

His contribution to musical history deserves a Tribute all on it's own but this Tribute is dedicated to Elvis' rock-around-the-clock movie career.

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King Creole

Danny Fisher ( Elvis Presley ):

"When the king starts to do it. It's as good as done. He holds his guitar like a tommy gun. He starts to grovel way down in his throat. He bends the string and that's all she wrote"

What does Danny Fisher's father do for a living?
