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A Tribute to Field of Dreams

Not a movie about baseball so much as a movie about the love of baseball, Field of Dreams strikes a deep emotional chord with many people even those non-baseball fans among us. The characters in this movie have unresolved relationships, unrealized dreams, unrectified mistakes and unexamined beliefs that can only be repaired on a magical baseball diamond in the middle of a field of corn in Iowa. And in this case the field does not disappoint. To use a baseball metaphor, the all-star cast (Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta and Amy Madigan) hits it out of the park. Ease our pain by enjoying our Tribute to Field of Dreams.

Field of Dreams DVD Spotlight

Field of Dreams 15th Anniversary Edition DVD , - this special DVD offers great extras audio commentary with Phil Alden Robinson, a 90 minute documentary, a roundtable discussion on the film with Kevin Costner and a group of former baseball players and much more.

Based on the Book

Shoeless Joe Jackson Comes to Iowa by W. P. Kinsella

Field of Dreams Features

"People Will Come, Ray" Speech about Baseball and America

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Field of Dreams stars ...

A Tribute to Kevin Costner

The voice told us that if we built it, people would come. No, not a baseball diamond in a field of corn. A Tribute to Hollywood's sport's loving good-guy, Kevin Costner.

Tribute to Field of Dreams Home | Site Map | DH Home

Field of Dreams

Voice in the Corn:

"Ease his pain."

What baseball team did Shoeless Joe Jackson play for before he was banished from baseball?
