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A Tribute to Dangerous Liaisons

French writer Choderlos de Lacios' novel, Les Liaisons Dangereuses has been adapted to the stage and screen many times. This Destination Hollywood Tribute focuses on the three most recent movie versions: Dangerous Liaisons (1988), Valmont (1989) and Cruel Intentions (1999). The basic premise is this: a thoroughly despicable "off-again on-again" couple amuse themselves by conspiring to make the lives of every person around them as unhappy as possible. The story may be the same in all three movies but what we enjoy are the differences that can be found in the varied executions of three different casts and three different directors. We can't help but like it …it's beyond our control in our Tribute to Dangerous Liaisons.

More Dangerous Liaisons Movies

Valmont (1989)
Cruel Intentions (1999)

Dangerous Liaisons DVD Spotlight

Dangerous Liaisons

Based on the Book

Les Liaisons dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

Dangerous Liaisons MP3's

AmazonMP3 has Dangerous Liaisons movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Dangerous Liaisons stars ...

Tribute to Glenn Close Tribute to Michelle Pfeiffer

Tribute to Keanu Reeves

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Dangerous Liaisons

Vicomte de Valmont ( John Malkovich):

"As for this present infatuation, it won't last. But for the present it is beyond my control."

In Dangerous Liaisons, Cecile is leaning to play what instrument?
