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A Tribute to Grease

Let's see if we've got the theme of Grease correct … the trashy girls get the guys? Tell me about it, Stud. Hmmm. Well at least the music is good and the dancing is lively. The sequel doesn't live up to the original but it does hold the distinction of introducing us to versatile actress Michelle Pfeiffer. Grease is the word in this rockin' and rollin' Destination Hollywood Tribute.

Grease Features

The Songs of Grease
Grease 2 - The Sequel
The Songs of Grease 2

Grease DVD Spotlight

Grease (Rockin' Rydell Edition)

Grease MP3's

AmazonMP3 has Grease movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Grease stars ...

A Tribute to John Travolta

When he's good - there's nobody better. When he's bad - well that doesn't happen very often. John Travolta is the word in our phenomenal Tribute.

A Tribute to Michelle Pfeiffer

Dramas, Comedies. Romance. Thrillers. Period pieces. Musicals. She does it all. We salute this modern renaissance woman … Michelle Pfeiffer.

Tribute to Grease Home | Site Map | DH Home


Sandy ( Olivia Newton-John ):

"Tell me about it, Stud."

Who played the Teen Angel that gives Frenchy advice?
